Wednesday 12 January 2022

Who is bestfriend?

 What true friends are quotes?

True friends are always together in spirit.” “Two things you will never have to chase: True friends & true love.” “True friends are those who came into your life, saw the most negative part of you, but are not ready to leave you, no matter how contagious you are to them.”

What is friendship in one word?
A friendly relationship. ... The definition of friendship is a relationship between people who like each other and enjoy each other's company. An example of friendship is when you have a buddy with whom you like to do things. noun. (uncountable) The condition of being friends.
What should I say in friendship?
What to Say to Someone
  • You are more fun than anyone or anything I know, including bubble wrap.
  • You are the most perfect you there is.
  • You are enough.
  • You are one of the strongest people I know.
  • You look great today.
  • You have the best smile.
  • Your outlook on life is amazing.
  • You just light up the room

Who is bestfriend?
The definition of a best friend is a person who you value above other friends in your life, someone you have fun with, someone you trust and someone in whom you confide. The first person you call when you get good news or want to go out for a bite to eat is an example of your best friend. Three best friends.

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